Biweekly links for 10/03/2008

  • The story of the WorldWide Telescope « Jon Udell
    • Quoting Jim Gray in 2002: “Most scientific data will never be directly examined by scientists; rather it will be put into online databases where it will be analyzed and summarized by computer programs. Scientists increasingly see their instruments through online scientific archives and analysis tools, rather than examining the raw data. Today this analysis is primarily driven by scientists asking queries, but scientific archives are becoming active databases that self-organize and recognize interesting and anomalous facts as data arrives. “
  • Nascent: Social Not Working?
    • A stimulating talk by Timo Hannay about Science 2.0.
  • Peter Norvig: Presidential Election 2008 FAQ
    • A great deal of useful information about both campaigns.
  • xkcd – Height
    • xkcd does “Powers of Ten”. Very cool.
  • Jay Walker’s Library
    • Lust.
  • Media Bias: Going beyond Fair and Balanced: Scientific American
    • A clever way to test for bias: “Groeling collected two different data sets: in-house presidential approval polling by ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX News and the networks’ broadcasts of such polls on evening news shows from January 1997 to February 2008. Groeling found that, with varying degrees of statistical significance, CBS, NBC and ABC showed what Groeling calls a pro-Democrat bias. For instance, CBS was 35 percent less likely to report a five-point drop in approval for Bill Clinton than a similar rise in approval and was 33 percent more likely to report a five-point drop than a rise for George W. Bush. Meanwhile FOX News showed a statistically significant pro-Republican bias in the most controlled of the three models Groeling tested: its Special Report program was 67 percent less likely to report a rise in approval for Clinton than a decrease and 36 percent more likely to report the increase rather than the decrease for Bush.”
  • Adding Noughts in Vain: Shock: Global Warming Still Happening!
    • Useful discussion of the last 30 years of data on global temperatures.

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