Biweekly links for 12/21/2009

  • Preskill Lecture Notes on Quantum Field Theory
    • I’ve just dipped in here and there, but these are great. Don’t miss the link to the notes on general relativity, all the way at the bottom of the page. And, of course, there’s John’s famous notes on quantum computing.
  • A Glint From Across The Solar System | The Loom | Discover Magazine
    • What an amazing Universe we live in: a photograph from space of “a glint of sunlight reflecting off the surface of a lake of liquid hydrocarbons on Titan, a moon of Saturn.”
  • Nicholas Gruen: How blogging can be a public service – the Sydney Morning Herald
    • Nicholas Gruen Chairs Australia’s Gov 2.0 taskforce: “In the future I’d like to see governments draw volunteer enthusiasts from the community more closely and explicitly into their own activities in policy design and service delivery. And they can go further still. Shouldn’t the best volunteer contributors – whether they’re correcting text or discussing policy alternatives – be afforded greater recognition? Over time we could see if they were interested in being given greater responsibility, just as public servants are offered promotions. This could widen the pool of available talent to the public service and provide alternative pathways for recruiting people and developing their skills and authority.

      If those pathways of promotion were built, as structures of authority are built in the world of Web 2.0, they would be based on self-selection, enthusiasm and a record of aptitude and contribution in the field.”

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