Biweekly links for 01/30/2009

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  1. Hi, Michael. Thank you for the heads-up on the slide show, “Open Access, Open Data. Open Research?” That is indeed an outstanding presentation. I loved Jean-Claude Bradley’s astute and pithy, “Communicate first. Standardize second.” As someone in the medical library world, I do get a little impatient with the librarian mindset that nothing is valuable until it is peer reviewed, cataloged and larded with metadata.

    By the way, there is an interesting discussion in the life scientists’ room of FriendFeed about post- publication peer review. I would be very interested in what you and Jean-Claude might have to say on that thought-provoking question.

  2. There’s a very interesting diversity of responses in that FriendFeed thread! I’m a bit pushed for time right now, and haven’t had time to participate. I am still planning to write a followup to my earlier post on peer review, where I’m likely to address this question in detail.

  3. Looking forward to that. Interestingly, I just did some quick googling on the term “post-publication peer review” and came across the very useful blog of your colleague Cameron Neylon

    I would like to suggest that both of you add Twitter buttons to your blogs. That would it so much easier to follow the extremely interesting things you both have to say and would facilitate the wider dissemination of your writings.

  4. Hope – Cameron’s blog is terrific. Take a look also at the blogs of some of the other subscribers to the Science 2.0 room; there’s a lot of good stuff in there.

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