- Knowledge sharing
- A review of the literature, coming from the World Bank.
- Liquidpub – Trac
- Open source meets science proposal.
- Raganwald: Why we are the biggest obstacles to our own growth
- Bruce Sterling Interview: Life, the Internet and Everything
- Kevin Kelly: McLuhan, Web 2.0 Master
- Blind scientist: How to improve scientific software?
- Raganwald: Are we building Universities or Amphitheaters?
- Thoughtful piece on the incentives and disincentives to build good social spaces on the web.
- Karl Schroeder: week-long science fiction writing workshop, Toronto, July 2008
- Karl Schroeder’s giving a week-long intensive workshop on science fiction writing in July. If only it were possible to live multiple lives – in one, I’d love to try science fiction writing.
- Cocktail Party Physics: let me explain
- PLoS Medicine – Finding Cures for Tropical Diseases: Is Open Source an Answer?
- Early paper on open source biology.
- David Heinemeier Hansson at Startup School 08 | Omnisio
- A good example of Omnisio in action. Advocates the radical idea that web startups should actually aim to make money.
- Omnisio
- Great new video site – perfect for scientists, since it handles the problem that there are two streams of information (the slides and the speaker) far better than any other site I’ve seen. The interface for moving through the slides is extremely slick.
- Raganwald: Good sense
- Descartes: “Good sense is the most equitably distributed of all things because no matter how much or little a person has, everyone feels so abundantly provided with good sense that he feels no desire for more than he already possesses.|”
- Blog: Toby Segaran
- Toby Segaran, who wrote the excellent “Programming Collective Intelligence”, has a blog.
- Blog : business|bytes|genes|molecules
- Another good find for my blogroll – lots of thoughtful posts on how science is done, and how it’s changing.
- Ologeez! – How It Works
- Ambitious site for scientific collaboration.
- One Big Lab: New paper-protocol-lab-knowledge sharing website out of Stanford
- Journal publishers are pioneers of Web 2.0 | iMechanica
- A conservative take, basically saying that journal publishers can be trusted to modernize science. The example of other media (music, movies, books, etc) doesn’t give me much confidence that this will happen.
- Biocurious: Journal publishers are pioneers of Web 2.0?
- Want to Remember Everything You’ll Ever Learn? Surrender to This Algorithm
- Utterly fascinating, at several different levels.
- The Loom : When Scientists Go All Bloggy
- Thoughtful discussion of the role blogs and comments are playing in the discussion of peer-reviewed science.
- Startup School 2008
- Kevin Kelly : the reality of depending on True Fans
- Open Science Directory
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