- Microspotting | You can go to the bathroom whenever you want at Microsoft
- Great story about the background of the principal developer for Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.
- Institute for OneWorld Health – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Nonprofit pharmaceutical company: “The Institute for OneWorld Health is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit pharmaceutical company founded in 2000 to develop safe, effective, and affordable new medicines for people with infectious diseases in the developing countries.”
- Scientific WebPlus
- Scientific search engine from Thomson.
- Some E-Books Are More Equal Than Others – NYTimes.com
- The publisher of “1984” apparently changed their mind about wanting a Kindle edition. Amazon caved, and automagically deleted copies, refunding the price of purchase. You can’t make this stuff up…
- When I died
Click here for all of my del.icio.us bookmarks.
An interesting new journal: http://math.rejecta.org/