Oh, Canada!

I became a Canadian Permanent Resident, just a few hours ago. I should crack open the maple syrup, and down a few Tim Hortons donuts!

Update: Uh-oh. I’ve been told that I spelt donut in an un-Canadian fashion. Could be a problem here…


  1. I didn’t know that was possible. Of course I’m in a different situation, but I had to physically leave the country and come back. And then again, because I didn’t know I had to bring bank statements with me the first time. (Bank statements needed because I was coming from a study permit. Nobody else needs that. The rules are random and weird.)

  2. Eva – Yeah, there seem to be a lot of variations possible, and whether you can do it in-Canada may depend a lot on your particular situation. I found the whole thing pretty bewildering, but I was lucky to have a lot of help from someone who knew a lot about the process.

  3. Congrats! It is a really dumb process but having help makes it less annoying. I had not heard that applying from within Canada was faster though, they use to delay internal applications just a few years ago.

  4. Jesse – Thanks! Stuff about timing is really complicated, and there don’t seem to be many general rules of thumb. The Immigration website does have lots of useful data on the processing times for different types of application; the way to go seems to be to look at that data, and decide the best route.

  5. Dave – I would have thought that being Canadian Bacon would have been an advantage from your point of view!

    “Congrats and welcome to the 51st state”.

    Thanks! Hope it’s nice and warm down there in the 11th province; it’s the first day of real snow up here in Waterloo.

  6. Lucky you!

    Now, the important question: comment va-t-il ton français ??? πŸ˜€ (Just a joke from a QC-lover!) πŸ™‚


  7. Congrats, as a fellow Aussie who also went through the system in Kitchener. I’m pretty sure that Australians also spell it ‘doughnut’, but Tim Horton’s shouldn’t be allowed to use the word for their inferior pastries.

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