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How changing the technology of collaboration can change the nature of collaboration

Update: Ilya (who made the video) reports in comments that some fraction of the effect described below is an artifact. It’s hard to say how much. Here’s Ilya’s comment: Michael, apparently one of the reasons you see the explosion in commits is because Git correctly attributes the changeset to the author. In [Subversion] days, the… Continue reading How changing the technology of collaboration can change the nature of collaboration

Biweekly links for 03/16/2009

15-855: Intensive Intro to Computational Complexity Class blog for Carnegie-Mellon’s Intro course on Computational Complexity. Newspapers and Thinking the Unthinkable « Clay Shirky When a 14 year old kid can blow up your business in his spare time, not because he hates you but because he loves you, then you got a problem. Stephen Hawking… Continue reading Biweekly links for 03/16/2009


Biweekly links for 03/13/2009

Polymath1 and open collaborative mathematics « Gowers’s Weblog “… for me personally this has been one of the most exciting six weeks of my mathematical life. That is partly because it is always exciting to solve a problem, but a much more important reason is the way this problem was solved, with people chipping in… Continue reading Biweekly links for 03/13/2009


Biweekly links for 02/06/2009

Systeme D: ShareAlike considered harmful for geodata Describes some problems that arise from using a Creative Commons ShareAlike license for geodata. What Contracts Can’t Do: The Limits of Private Ordering in Facilitating a Creative Commons by Niva Elkin-Koren “Creative Commons is a non-profit U.S. based organization that operates a licensing platform to promote free use… Continue reading Biweekly links for 02/06/2009


Biweekly links for 09/19/2008

Sergey Brin’s blog Stanford offers 10 free online Computer Science courses Hal Varian: Copying and copyright (pdf) The Long Tail: Another Harvard professor helpfully suggests that we make hits Heh: “What is it about Harvard Business School professors and their embrace of the grindingly conventional pitched as fresh contrarianism? The latest is HBS marketing professor… Continue reading Biweekly links for 09/19/2008


Biweekly links for 09/16/2008

Ellen Roche Heartbreaking: “Ellen Roche was a healthy 24 year old lab technician at the Johns Hopkins (JH) Asthma Center. She volunteered to take part in an experiment to understand the natural defenses of healthy people against asthma. Roche was part of a group that inhaled hexamethonium, a drug which induced a mild asthma attack.… Continue reading Biweekly links for 09/16/2008
