Awesome grants

Beginning this month, every month the Toronto Awesome Foundation will give away $1,000 for someone to do something that’s, well, awesome.

Here’s how to apply.

There’s no reporting, no strings, no oversight. Just $1,000 to the winner to do whatever they think is worth doing.

Deadline for submissions is February 15.

Many questions are addressed in the links at the bottom of the announcement post.

There are other chapters of the Awesome Foundation around the world, and here are a few of the awesome things people have done: grown food to help keep their local food pantry stocked; helped get a Fab Lab started in Washington DC, and made invisible musical instruments. There are many more.

It’s going to happen every month, and you can keep track of announcements at the Toronto Awesome blog. I won’t post updates on my blog every month, but I will on twitter.

The money comes from 10 Trustees (I’m one), who each put up $100 a month. I think it’ll be fun, and it’s a good way of supporting people doing interesting things.

(Yes, it’s the projects funded that are supposed to be Awesome, not the trustees. Hah hah.)


  1. I just applied through the Awesome Foundation for a grant to take sidewalk astronomy nationwide. Thanks for funding such a great project.

    [MN: Sidewalk astronomy sounds fun!]

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