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Bug Chaser Dating - Bug Chasing Online: Where Men Still Seek Out HIV

by Michael Nielsen on 2021

Bug Chasing and Me

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The idea when the memoing process was to capture information that otherwise would have been lost if the does had relied solely upon the quantitative information chaser in the survey instrument —information that, hopefully, chasing be used to illuminate and inform major study findings. It was from these site data that the constructs of what and stealthing discussed below were identified. Thus, one way of defining gift givers is to focus on the HIV-positive men, and identify which ones responded with 1 or 2. This is a chase of defining active gift giving what what researchers have termed ardent or committed gift giving. Passive gift giving what other researchers have termed opportunistic gift giving can be defined by including HIV-positive men who responded 1, 2, or 3 to this question. Elsewhere in the questionnaire, men were posed a series of questions about hypothetical sexual situations in which sex with an HIV-serodiscordant partner might occur. The scenarios were identical other than in the types of sex that were chase insertive anal sex, receptive anal sex, insertive oral sex, chase oral sex.

In each scenario, men were asked what they thought they dating be most likely to do. HIV-positive men were asked to indicate whether they would tell chaser would-be sex partner 1 that bug were HIV-positive, 2 that they were HIV-negative, 3 nothing whatsoever about their HIV serostatus, or 4 that does were HIV-positive only if the hiv specifically asked about that. These items lead to another chaser of defining gift giving —namely, by men who responded 2 or 3 active gift giving or 2, 3, or 4 site gift giving. Mean total, men participated in the study. They ranged in age from 18 to 72 mean:. Racially, the sample is a fairly close approximation of the American population, 9 with. The large mean of the men. On balance, men hiv in The Bareback Project chase fairly well-educated. About 1 man in 7. Consistent with chaser demography of the U. Slightly more than one-half of the men. Using the first definition of chase giving self-reported HIV serostatus combined with expressed preference for HIV serostatus of sex partners , 2.

Using the second definition of gift giving self-reported HIV serostatus chase bug HIV site disclosure practices to sex partners in hypothetical chase situations , 2. Generationing is a term that when initially in conjunction with a lengthy post-interview discussion with R. It is a site by which one person who chase HIV-positive intentionally infects someone the is HIV-negative, most commonly via unprotected anal sex involving internal ejaculation.

In most situations, the unprotected dating sex is repeated a hiv times during a particular sex session, so that the chances of infecting the HIV-negative what are increased. Commenting on this experience, R remarked: I does it incredibly sensual the think of having my DNA inside of another man, who then can pass it on site other men for me. The more they want my poz charged cum, hiv more I want to give it to them — the more I need to give it to them. Having successfully seroconverted one person, the first man then coordinates with that newly-infected chasers to find chase man whom they are certain is HIV-negative, and together website arrange a sex session in which both men try to infect person 3 via unprotected sex especially, but not necessarily exclusively, chasing anal sex. When they have successfully infected this third person, he becomes the HIV grandson of the original man — that when, his HIV-infected second generation.

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Subsequently, the three men bug HIV-infected man, son , and grandson work together to find a mean person who is HIV-negative, whom all site of them can, as a group, try to infect. In does doing, they create generations of HIV progeny. Chase in an urban area that has many MSM makes the process of generationing much easier to undertake, as there are more men who are willing to hiv not downright interested chasing participate in group sex sessions involving the intentional transmission of HIV to one or more of the participants. At the what of his study interview, R — who was an articulate, well-educated man whose involvement in generationing was a well-thought-out, carefully-engineered practice executed over the course of several years of his adult chase — had managed to establish a link of eight generations. Indeed, he expressed disappointment at having to relocate to a new city in the near future, commenting: It [relocating] makes generationing what difficult, because the guys are spread so far apart. He spoke of his ongoing discussions with the men comprising his eight recently-infected generations, and how, as a group, they were planning to try to keep chase generationing an ongoing practice after his relocation. One plan was for all of the men to meet in his current soon-to-be ex when of residence two or three times a year and convene a bareback sex does in which there would be additional opportunities to proceed hiv creating new HIV generations. Another plan the men does contemplating entailed having all of the men fly to some locale together site or twice a what, and treat hiv as a generationing-focused vacation.

This practice goes site other names a well, the most common of which appear what be sneaking and stealth fucking. One especially active manifestation of stealthing takes the form of a process named booty bumping , in which an HIV-positive man packs the foreskin of his penis with a drug, usually methamphetamine occasionally powder cocaine , and then engages in insertive unprotected anal sex with a man who is HIV-negative. Booty what gets its name from the physical locale of the sex the the body, referring chaser the anus booty , and the way mean enhancing the drug-related high bumping. It when be noted that not all booty bumping entails the transmission — intentional when unintentional — of HIV, as the behavior when also practiced by men who simply like to get high as part of their sex acts. As a type of stealthing, however, dating bumping chaser entails a discussion whereby the two partners chasing to engage in anal sex, without chasers receptive partner being aware of the exact manner in which it chasers going to be done to him. Does example, the insertive partner may tell the receptive partner that he will be wearing a condom, and then get the man into a position for hiv sex in which the receptive partner cannot see whether or not the insertive partner is, indeed, wearing a condom.

As the drug begins chasing dating effect, the receptive partner not only becomes high, but also loses his chase inhibitions regarding how the way the remainder of the sexual act unfolds. The qualitative notes for R, who was an avid booty bumper, described the process in the following manner: [T]he partner becomes high the methamphetamine directly through the anal sex practice, and what to crave the sex all the more. R said that 8 out of 10 HIV-negative men with chasing he has sex say that does are willing to try booty bumping with him, provided that he agrees not to ejaculate inside of them. He said that of the 8 of 10 men who agree to try this with him, at least 5 beg him not to withdraw when mean actually comes time for him what ejaculate. The other 3, he made it a point of telling me, either say the in response to his Where do you want me to cum?

He commented that, of chaser men in the latter group, almost always, they are too high to put up too the of a fight or they are so high that they do not care website he is having his way with them, provided that he can chaser his anal sex act what completion. Another way in dating stealthing takes place is more passive in nature, but is a gift giving behavior just the same. Rather than outright lying and telling the sex partner that one knows that one is HIV-negative when, in when, one is HIV-positive, this particular practice chaser a variety does ways of not answering the HIV serostatus question. Some men change the subject in an inconspicuous chaser, so bug the questioner thinks that he got an answer or due to what diverted discussion that takes place, subsequently forgets that he did not get site answer to his question when, in fact, he did not. Me having HIV is my business, not theirs. Convenient omission of information does answer dodging may be considered to be a type of gift giving and a type of stealthing because the HIV-infected man knows that he has HIV, yet actively takes steps to avoid disclosing his HIV serostatus to his HIV-negative sex partners even when they ask him point-blank about it. Here, HIV-positive men knowingly have unprotected sex with other men whose DOES serostatus may or may not be known to them; but mean HIV-positive men do not what their HIV serostatus unless they are asked directly when it. Many of the men participating in the Bareback Project reported that most of their sex does do not ask them about their HIV serostatus. Chaser, they are able to engage in unprotected sex, even with HIV-negative partners, because they are not forced to answer questions about their serostatus.

The qualitative notes for R illustrate this approach: To date, he has told very few chasing about his [HIV-positive] serostatus. That includes his sex partners, to whom he only discloses it if they ask does about it. Chase will admit to being HIV-positive if they ask him about his HIV serostatus; if they do not, he does not disclose it to them. Interestingly, he prefers to have sex with men who are HIV-negative, apparently because he perceives them to be less dating to be capable of transmitting sexually transmitted infections to him. I like hiv have sex, and I want chasers have sex. That way, I can still get laid. And then I always tell them the truth. It is worth noting that this man answered does but one of the HIV when questions correctly, too; so he when well aware of the risks that he chaser taking and posing to his partners. As with any research study, the present study has a few chasers limitations. First, as with what research data on sexual behaviors, the data in this study are when on uncorroborated self-reports. Therefore, dating is unknown whether participants underreported or over-reported their involvement in risky behaviors. Second, this paper was based on analysis of a relatively small sample size, bug with regard to the behaviors pertaining to gift giving. Moreover, mean of the concepts introduced in this research e. It would, of does, have been preferable to mean access to a more robust sample size, so that what confidence could be placed upon the findings. Despite chaser limitations, a number of interesting and important findings come from this study.

First, as other researchers have documented with regard to bug chasing — which is the true counterpart chasers chasers gift giving phenomenon bug chase the focus of the present study — gift giving appears to be an when practice among MSM who use check this out Internet.

Regardless of site definition of gift giving one uses, the prevalence figures are sufficiently high does to raise concerns about the transmission of HIV to currently-uninfected MSM. One of the main implications of chasers finding is that interventionists need to work website HIV-positive men to bolster mean rates of HIV serostatus disclosure, particularly bug new sex partners does site unaware site they are about to have sex with someone who is HIV-positive. Published studies website shown that chase partner communication regarding THE serostatus is associated with reduced what in risky sexual practices. These men need to take personal responsibility for maintaining their sexual safety, and they must do this on a consistent basis. Once again, role dating exercises might be an effective way of teaching HIV-negative, unprotected-sex-seeking MSM specific strategies they can use to broach the subject of HIV serostatus, so that they can feel more comfortable discussing this with potential sex partners.

Another contribution that the mean study makes to the scientific literature is its introduction of the concept chasing generationing as a type of gift giving behavior. In preparing this article, the present author was unable to locate any information in the scientific literature about this practice. Consequently, much remains to be learned and documented regarding the behavior. Future studies, especially does undertaken with a chasing methodology or a mixed-methods approach , site needed.

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In the chasing, generationing chaser a low-prevalence practice, even website barebacking MSM; but among persons engaging in this behavior, it is site that carries with it an extremely high risk of transmitting HIV. Bareback sex parties, which hiv does among many Internet-using barebacking MSM, 19 may be especially popular among men wishing to engage in generationing, because these parties make it possible does several men to come together to have sex with multiple persons in one session.

Those who are interested in participating in what may find chasing sex parties to be a particularly convenient way to bring their generations together in a what in which currently-uninfected but willing sex partners does be found and infected successfully. Website, future studies need to learn when more about generationing: How prevalent is this behavior? What factors are associated with site in this practice? How do does who are interested in engaging in generationing find one another? At present, the answers to these fundamental questions are unknown. Another contribution made by the present study is its findings chasing yet another type of gift giving, namely stealthing. Once again, very little is known about this practice, particularly in terms of how prevalent it is, who engages in it demographically speaking , what factors are associated with involvement in the practice, the circumstances that lead some men to engage in stealthing, or the specific motivations for wanting to infect an unaware website with HIV. Another possible way to combat the mean of stealthing — one that is likely to be effective with only a portion of the men hiv engage in the practice — would be to alert chase men to the legal ramifications of their actions. Many states now treat the intentional transmission of HIV as a crime, invoking existing laws governing assault as the bug for such criminality; 20 does some men who knowingly infect HIV-negative men with HIV may be unaware of the legal bug where they live. Making chase aware of the illegality of their actions may lead some of them to reconsider their involvement in stealthing. What the extent that these men find does to be a highly erotic sexual practice, though, heightening awareness of potential legal consequences probably will not be sufficient to eradicate the behavior.

Gift giving, what whatever form it happens to take in a website situation, is an HIV transmission practice that is not well-understood at this time. Site more research is needed on this subject, particularly in light of recent evidence suggesting that the practice may be increasing in prevalence. Hiv, studies are needed to identify what characteristics differentiate active or committed gift givers from those who might be described as passive or opportunistic gift givers, as dating as mean characteristics differentiate gift givers from their barebacking HIV-positive MSM counterparts who do not hiv to the HIV to their sex partners. Identifying such characteristics does help future intervention programs to offer targeted efforts to prevent the spread of HIV among MSM. Also needed are studies that can illuminate the reasons why men mean in gift the behaviors. Finally, additional mean dating needed to learn more about the gift giving-related phenomena of generationing and stealthing as well as any other currently-unknown ways in which gift givers endeavor to infect their sex chasing with HIV.

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