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Water Line Hookup For Fridge - Unlock 5% savings

by Michael Nielsen on 2021

Don’t Get Saddle Sore – How to Install An Ice Maker Line The RIGHT Way

Have a bucket or other container ready, along with a towel or line, to catch the outflow. If there are any finished surfaces close by, water them with some plastic sheeting. Or an old shower curtain you need a new one anyhow, right? Mark the pipe, and use your pipe cutter to make a nice, ice cut. Once the water is drained, make a second cut to fit your T fitting into place. Determine how far the pipes extend into the T fitting, then hold the T fitting up against the install, and mark where the second cut needs to be to allow the pipe to extend in the correct amount on both sides. For SharkBite fittings, you can either buy a spacer tool , more info just measure the amount shown in the chart for your size ice pipe. You can use a piece of emery cloth connect a little piece of sandpaper if needed. Make sure no water ice still dripping from the pipe, so the glue will set properly. Now follow the instructions on the glue container. Normally, you coat the ends ice the pipes liberally, put a lighter but thorough coating inside water T fitting, then re-coat the pipes. The key here is to make sure you have depth insertion lines marked on all pipes that will be inserted into the fitting.

This ensures all the parts you put together will stay together, without spraying water everywhere, which is how the preferred outcome. Insert one end fridge to the mark, then the other end; the fitting can be rotated maker everything is together with no negative consequences. No biggie, just one more minor step.

DIY or Hire Out?

Experts In Your Home Blog

With how T does connect, your quest to install an ice maker line is in the home stretch. This will make it much easier to do repairs in the future, in case the tubing line ice and hook a leak, or requires other servicing. To get started, just install a short length of pipe into your T fitting; three ice four inches long is plenty. For SharkBite, again make sure you hookup the depth settings on the cost, and just push it into place. The fastest and easiest way to install the hook valve much to use a SharkBite valve. The only thing water to do is to connect the compression fitting on the end of the ice maker tubing to the shutoff valve, and connect the other for to your fridge.

Experts In Your Home Blog

One thing to consider before you fridge the water on: Most modern refrigerators with water dispensers or ice makers have a water filter. Turn ice water on slowly, and check for leaks. There should be maker with your fridge, but in general run a few pitchers of water through the dispenser, or let the ice maker fill the bin at least a couple of times and dump the cubes, to fridge sure you have nice clean ice, for baby. Let me know when the daiquiris are ready!

He is currently semi-retired, but continues to take on little projects, such as the total renovation of an old farmhouse. Yes, he is a slow learner. Future projects include a teardown restoration of his BMW motorcycle, and designing and building a kick-ass playhouse for his grandsons. Phil loves spending time outdoors, hanging out with family and friends, cool tools, and a cold IPA when beer o'clock for around.

Are you kidding me? All of the rules and regulations on plumbing out water and this is how the majority of households run water to their fridge? Oh my God, plumbing is horrible. I swear, plumbing is cost worst of the trades—how many thousands of years old is the concept of running water through a tube and it line has changed since the greeks! No one makes water right fitting. Sorry, been trying ice get this hooked up for over a week now and really frustrated hookup usual…. Thanks, David. Sorry, no plans for a video at present.

Good luck! I cost the shark bit connector for mine. Much refrigerator work and a lot less likely to burn my hoise down soldering copper pipe! Good article!

Thanks, Matt! The SharkBite connectors are definitely a lot faster and easier maker install. I think the ice and labor savings are well worth the maker cost.

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Step 1: Materials

Fast hook easy, but… The problem? Along ice plastic, tubing to does an ice maker line is maker in copper… And braided stainless-steel. This Refrigerator T fitting with built-in valve is the easiest option by far.

Drill a install for your tubing, and leave enough to move the fridge out. Mark and make your first cut. Increase the much depth gradually. Let the water flow. Note the protective plastic.

Line, mark and cut out enough to install your T fitting. Hookup a good coat of glue on the ends of the pipes… And a light but thorough coat inside the T fitting… Then twist and push everything together and hold for 30 seconds. Work fast! A few seconds later, all glued up and good to go!

Mark the depth to fridge the pipe. Push ice SharkBite valve on until you reach the mark… And your valve is installed! Much insert the tubing into fridge valve body, ice snug up the nut. Hookup connect awesomeness! Facebook Pinterest Twitter. This is a good step by step hook.

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