We found 28 results for your search.

Polymath wiki logo

Many people have contributed striking logos for the Polymath wiki. It seems to me that there’s now enough suggestions to have a good conversation about which logo to use, and (perhaps) how the logos could be improved, if that’s what people want. I suggest having that conversation at the talk page for the logo.

Introduction to the Polymath Project and “Density Hales-Jewett and Moser Numbers”

In January of 2009, Tim Gowers initiated an experiment in massively collaborative mathematics, the Polymath Project. The initial stage of this project was extremely successful, and led to two scientific papers: “A new proof of the density Hales-Jewett theorem” and “Density Hales-Jewett and Moser numbers”. The second of these papers will soon appear in a… Continue reading Introduction to the Polymath Project and “Density Hales-Jewett and Moser Numbers”


The Polymath4 Project is now underway, with the first formal post here. The basic problem is very simple and appealing: it’s to find a deterministic algorithm which will quickly generate a prime of at least some given length, ideally in time polynomial in that length. There are fast algorithms which will generate such a prime… Continue reading Polymath4

The Polymath blog

Earlier this year, Tim Gowers started a project in massively collaborative mathematics – an open approach to solving mathematical problems using blogs and wikis. The first iteration of this “Polymath Project” was very successful (see also Terry Tao’s recent mini-Polymath), and new iterations are now being planned. To help with that process, Terry Tao has… Continue reading The Polymath blog

Categorized as Polymath

The Polymath project: scope of participation

As I’ve mentioned before, over the past seven weeks mathematician Tim Gowers has been running a remarkable experiment in how mathematics is done, a project he dubbed the Polymath1 project. Using principles similar to those employed in open source programming projects, he used blogs and a wiki to organize an open mathematical collaboration attempting to… Continue reading The Polymath project: scope of participation

Update on the polymath project

A few brief comments on the first iteration of the polymath project, Tim Gowers’ ongoing experiment in collaborative mathematics: The project is remarkably active, with nearly 300 substantive mathematical comments in just the first week. It shows few signs of slowing down. It’s perhaps not (yet) a “massively” collaborative project, but many mathematicians are contributing… Continue reading Update on the polymath project

The polymath project

Tim Gower’s experiment in massively collaborative mathematics is now underway. He’s dubbed it the “polymath project” – if you want to see posts related to the project, I suggest looking here. The problem to be attacked can be understood (though probably not solved) with only a little undergraduate mathematics. It concerns a result known as… Continue reading The polymath project

Categorized as polymath1

On Elsevier

Elsevier is the world’s largest and most profitable scientific publisher, making a profit of 1.1 billion dollars on revenue of 3.2 billion dollars in 2009. Elsevier have also been involved in many dubious practices, including the publishing of fake medical journals sponsored by pharmaceutical companies, and the publication of what are most kindly described as… Continue reading On Elsevier