I got back yesterday from Canada, but am off again tomorrow, this time on holiday in the Daintree Rainforest, north of Cairns, for five days. After that, no travel until mid-August!
Author: Michael Nielsen
Technical notes surveying operator monotone and operator convex functions
[pdf]: Operator monotone and operator convex functions: a survey
Notes briefly surveying the mathematical theory of operator monotone and operator convex functions, with a few simple applications to quantum information science.
Previous notes
[pdf]: Bloch’s theorem and Bravais lattices
[pdf]: On linear matrix equations
Hi ho, hi ho
It’s off to Canada I go, to give some lectures at a Summer School at the Perimeter Institute. In the meantime, at the risk of annoying people with long download times, I’m uploading three photos taken on my recent trip to Leiden, just Southwest of Amsterdam.
An interesting door:
to go with an interesting building:
Overall, the atmosphere was one of geek cool. It made me nostalgic for Caltech, which is the only place I can imagine not being surprised at seeing something like this (of course, it’d be a Saturn rocket or a Shuttle at Caltech).
Personal news
I’ve had an exciting week personally, with the news that I’m to receive an Australian Government Federation Fellowship. This is a very generous Fellowship scheme (described here), and I’m incredibly pleased and grateful to have received it. I was also extremely pleased to find out that my fellow quantum physicist Howard Wiseman (at Griffith University, also in Brisbane) was a recipient this year. Any scientist who’s ever thought, even remotely, that they might have an interest in moving to Australia, should definitely check out the scheme.
Movie recommendations
I went to see Shrek II with a group of nine last night, on the day it opened in Australia. Six of us turned around and went to see it again immediately, which is not something I’ve ever done before. If anything, I laughed even harder the second time. Much funnier than the first movie, although not as sweet, and probably not as durable, due to all the references to contemporary pop culture. But my sides still hurt.
The value of putting things in the public domain
Brad DeLong makes a very good point: if Tim Berners-Lee hadn’t put the basic ideas behind the web into the public domain, the evolution of the web very well might have been a lot slower, with concomitant economic costs. Something for University researchers to think about, perhaps: we are supported in the public interest, and putting ideas into the public domain is often the best way of supporting that interest.
A note on a highly visible change: I’ve reversed the order in which comments are displayed, so the oldest comments now display first. This should make it easier to just read through the entire set of comments on a post.
Technical notes on Bloch’s theorem and Bravais lattices
[pdf]: Bloch’s theorem and Bravais lattices
More technical notes, this time on a completely different topic: Bloch’s theorem. Bloch’s theorem gives some powerful general information about the eigenstates of a Hamiltonian which respects the symmetry of some lattice. I’m trying to learn the basic principles of condensed matter physics at the moment, and Bloch’s theorem appears to be one of the foundation stones, thus these notes.
Previous notes
[pdf]: On linear matrix equations
More quantum circuits
Following up on an earlier entry on a similar topic, I note Qcircuit, a LaTeX package by Steve Flammia and Brian Eastin that makes drawing quantum circuits extremely easy. Should be pretty useful!
Technical notes on linear matrix equations
[pdf]: On linear matrix equations
These are technical notes. As the title indicates, they’re not terribly likely to cause spontaneous celebrations in the streets, but contain material that may be of interest to people interested in quantum process tomography, the Solovay-Kitaev theorem, or quantum state estimation. Despite the format, these are not intended as a paper, and there’s little original content; they are primarily notes about work by other people that I think is interesting.