Top five lists

Top five conversation-stoppers when introduced to a physicist:

5. “Oh, really. My brother-in-law’s in medicine, too.”

4. “Um… Ahh… That must be…. interesting.”

3. “Physics was my worst subject in high school.”

2. “Physics was my best subject in high school.”

1. “You must be really smart.”

Number 1 is especially hard to respond to. What do you say? “Yes” is right out. “No” isn’t a whole lot more attractive. “Nah, I just cheated on all my exams” has the benefit of causing interest, but it’s not necessarily the kind of interest you want in those kinds of situations.


  1. You have it easy. When I get introduced as a computer scientist I get questions like “Should I get a Mac or a PC?” or “How do I set up a home network?”.

  2. Well, you can always invoke the famous Einstein quote:

    “Do not worry about your difficulties in mathematics; I can assure you that mine are still greater.”

  3. One of my professors, Tony Rothman, use to say that if at a cocktail party one should never, ever admit to being a physicist. I try to follow this advice so I at least avoid the dreaded question #1.

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