Berlin, New York, Boston

I’ll be speaking about open science at events in Berlin, New York and Boston over the next week. Here’s my current schedule of public and semi-public events:

  • Berlin, Friday 16 September, 5pm, event at the Freie Universität of Berlin: more details
  • New York, Courant Institute Colloquium, NYU, Monday 19 September, 3:45pm.
  • New York, event organized by the Coles Science Center and the NYU Libraries Information Futures Group, Monday 19 September, 6:30pm: more details
  • Boston, Harvard, Colloquium at the Institute for Theory and Computation in the Center for Astrophysics, Thursday 22 September: more details.
  • Boston, MIT Physics Colloquium (MIT only), Thursday 22 September: more details


  1. Hi Michael,

    I attended your talk at MIT and want to thank you for your entertaining, educational, and inspiring presentation. I’m a Postdoc at MIT, a computer vision researcher, and a blogger. Given my current position in the academic hierarchy and interest in sharing ideas with the community in non-traditional ways (i.e., blogs and Github), your talk was particularly relevant. I’m very excited about accelerating the progress of science via a more collaborative open attitude, and most students I talk to about this seem to agree! However, I’ve seen a strong anti-blogging attitude from faculty attempting to get tenure (they seem to think that blogs don’t matter, only peer-reviewed papers matter).

    You were the non-student whom I heard *openly* discuss the dark side of open-science — that scientific career advancement is based on peer-reviewed papers and not on the new generation of social tools (e.g., blogs, wikis, Github).

    After hearing your lecture, I’m looking forward to your book! Many of your ideas are reminiscent of David Weinberger’s book: Everything is Miscellaneous — it is an easy read and I would highly recommend you check it out. I wanted to let you know there are people on your side (I am one of them), fighting for a more open science.


  2. Hi Tomasz – Thankyou very much for your kind words, and best of luck with both your studies, and with your support for open science through activities such as blogging.

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