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- "Low Dimensions" grant acknowledgments
- "New Proof" grant acknowledgments
- 3D Moser statistics
- 4D Moser brute force search
- 4D Moser sets with d at least 2 have at most 42 points
- 4D Moser sets with d at least 3 has at most 41 points
- 4D Moser sets with d at least 4 have at most 40 points
- 4th roots of unity
- 6th roots of unity
- 6th unity roots
- A-statistics code
- ABC conjecture
- A Hilbert space lemma
- A general partitioning principle
- A general result about density increments
- A second Fourier decomposition related to Sperner's theorem
- A second outline of a density-increment argument
- Abstract.tex
- Abstract regularity lemma
- Ajtai-Szemerédi's proof of the corners theorem
- Algebraic formulation of Hadwiger-Nelson problem
- Algebraic line
- Algorithm for finding multiplicative sequences with bounded discrepancy
- An efficient algorithm exists if Cramer's conjecture holds
- An outline of a density-increment argument
- Asymptotics of H t
- Austin's proof
- Austin's proof II
- BK:Section 3
- Basic facts about Bohr sets
- Benchmarks of small admissible tuples
- Bertrand's postulate
- Biblio.tex
- Bibliography
- Boshernitzan’s problem
- Bounded Dirichlet inverse
- Bounded discrepancy multiplicative functions do not correlate with characters
- Bounded gaps between primes
- Bounding the derivative of H t
- Bounding the derivative of H t - second approach
- Bounding the derivative of H t - third approach
- Bounding the discrepancy in terms of the common difference
- COVID-19 dataset clearinghouse
- C code for Moser
- Carlson's theorem
- Carlson-Simpson theorem
- Character-like functions
- Classification of (6,12,18,4,0) sets
- Coloring.tex
- Coloring Hales-Jewett theorem
- Coloring R 2
- Combinatorial line
- Combinatorial subspace
- Complexity of a set
- Computer proof that completely multiplicative sequences have at least 2
- Computer proof that completely multiplicative sequences have discrepancy greater than 2
- Computing a HAP basis
- Concentration of measure
- Concepts.tex
- Controlling A+B/B 0
- Controlling H t-A-B/B 0
- Convert raw input string into CSV table
- Corner
- Corners
- Corners theorem
- Correlation.tex
- Correlation with a 1-set implies correlation with a subspace
- Cramer's conjecture
- Cramer's random model for the primes
- Create tables in an HTML file from an input sequence
- DHJ(1,3)
- DHJ(2.5)
- DHJ(2.6)
- DHJ(2.7)
- DHJ(3)
- DHJ(k) implies multidimensional DHJ(k)
- DJH(1,3)
- De Bruijn-Newman constant
- Definable Banach Spaces
- Density
- Density-increment methods
- Density Hales-Jewett
- Density Hales-Jewett theorem
- Density increment method
- Deolaikar's P!=NP paper
- Deolalikar's P!=NP paper
- Deolalikar P vs NP paper
- Depth-first search
- Depth-first search for multiplicative sequences
- Dhj-lown-lower.tex
- Dhj-lown.tex
- Dhj.bib
- Dhj.sty
- Dhj.tex
- Dickson-Hardy-Littlewood theorems
- Different upper and lower bound
- Dirichlet inverses
- Discrepancy 3 multiplicative sequence of length 13186
- Discrete logarithm
- Discretized Borel Determinacy and P=NP
- Distribution of primes in smooth moduli
- Does Arrow's Theorem hold in quantum voting?
- Drift
- Dynamics of zeros
- Easy.tex
- Effective bounds on H t
- Effective bounds on H t - second approach
- Equal-slices.tex
- Equal-slices density
- Equal-slices distribution for DHJ(k)
- Equal-slices measure
- Ergodic-inspired methods
- Ergodic perspective
- Estimate the number of discrepancy 2 sequences
- Estimating a sum
- Excluding bichromatic vertices
- Experimental results
- Factoring
- File output
- Find a different parameter, show that it tends to infinity, and show that that implies that the discrepancy tends to infinity
- Find a good configuration of HAPs
- Find set configurations that imply FUNC
- Finding narrow admissible tuples
- Finding optimal k0 values
- Finding primes
- Finding primes with O(k) random bits
- First obtain multiplicative structure and then obtain a contradiction
- Folkman's theorem
- Forced Drift of Six in Multiplicative Sequences
- Forced Drifts in Multiplicative Sequences
- Fourier-analytic proof of Sperner
- Fourier reduction
- Frankl's union-closed conjecture
- Friedlander-Iwaniec theorem
- Fujimura's problem
- Fujimura.tex
- Function field version
- Furstenberg-Katznelson argument
- Furstenberg correspondence principle
- Generalize to a graph-theoretic formulation
- Generic prime
- Genetic.tex
- Genetic algorithm
- Geometric line
- Graham-Rothschild theorem
- HAP table for Sequence of length 1112
- HAP tables for Sequence of length 470
- Hadwiger-Nelson problem
- Hales-Jewett theorem
- Hardy-Littlewood prime tuples conjecture
- Higher-dimensional DHJ numbers
- Higher-dimensional Fujimura
- Higherk.tex
- Hindman's theorem
- Horn clause formulation
- Human proof of the 3D Pareto-optimal Moser statistics
- Human proof that completely multiplicative sequences have discrepancy at least 2
- Human proof that completely multiplicative sequences have discrepancy greater than 2
- Human proof that completely multiplicative sequences have discrepancy greater than 3
- Hyper-optimistic conjecture
- IP-Szemerédi theorem
- Immerman's letter
- Immerman-Vardi theorem
- Imo 2009 q6
- Imo 2010
- Imo 2011
- Imo 2012
- Improving the bounds for Roth's theorem
- Influence of variables
- Insensitive.tex
- Integer.tex
- Intransitive dice
- Intro.tex
- Introduction.tex
- Iterated sumsets of log-primes
- Journal publishing reform
- Jun Fukuyama's P≠NP Paper
- Kakeya problem
- Kolmogorov complexity
- Kruskal-Katona theorem
- LYM inequality
- Lattice approach
- Lemma 1
- Lemma 7
- Lemma 7.5
- Lemma 7.6
- Lemma 8
- Length 1120 sequences
- Length 1124 sequences
- Limits with better properties
- Lindell's Critique
- Line
- Line-free
- Line-free sets correlate locally with complexity-1 sets
- Line free sets correlate locally with dense sets of complexity k-2
- Linear norm
- Linear norm grant acknowledgments
- List of results implied by the Riemann Hypothesis
- Logo
- Longest constrained sequences
- Lookup table
- Lookup table C code
- Low discrepancy on PAPs
- Low discrepancy on primes and powers of 2
- M=13 Theorem
- M=13 case of FUNC
- Main Page
- Maple calculations
- Matlab script
- Matryoshka Sequences
- Maximal discrepancy-2 sequence
- Measures.tex
- Meissel-Lehmer method
- Modification of the Ajtai-Szemerédi argument
- Moser's cube problem
- Moser's problem
- Moser-lower.tex
- Moser.tex
- Moser set
- Multiplicative.c
- Multiplicative sequences
- Notes on polytope decomposition
- Obstructions to uniformity
- Obtaining the correct bound in Roth's discrepancy theorem
- Odlyzko's method
- Omega(N)
- Online reactions to Deolalikar P vs NP paper
- Optimal a-set pair code
- Optimal a-set pairs
- Oracle counterexample to finding pseudoprimes
- Original Elsevier statement
- Other proposed projects
- Outline.tex
- Outline of first paper
- Outline of second paper
- Outro.tex
- Overlapping Schwarz
- P=NP implies a deterministic algorithm to find primes
- Partitioning.tex
- Passing between measures
- Polylog parameterizability
- Polymath.tex
- Polymath1
- Polymath14
- Polymath15 grant acknowledgments
- Polymath15 test problem
- Polymath4 grant acknowledgments
- Polymath8 grant acknowledgments
- Polynomial strategy
- Prime counting function
- Prime gaps
- Probabilistic formulation of Hadwiger-Nelson problem
- Proof of DHJ(3) via density-increment
- Proposals for finding long low-discrepancy sequences
- Prove the result for shifted HAPs instead of HAPs
- Pseudo-random generators (PRG)
- Pseudointegers
- Quantum Arrow's Theorem
- Quasirandomness
- Que porra n tem nada pra fazer network penetration test
- Random k-SAT
- Refined greedy computation of multiplicative sequences
- Representation of the diagonal
- Riemann-Siegel formula
- Rota's conjecture
- Roth's Theorem concerning discrepancy on Arithmetic Progression
- Roth's theorem
- Scanning code
- Schinzel's hypothesis H
- Search for completely multiplicative sequences
- Second attempt at computing H t(x) for negative t
- Second lookup table C code
- Section 3: the "nd-estimate"
- Selberg sieve variational problem
- Sequence of length 1091
- Sequence of length 1112
- Sequence of length 3250
- Sequence of length 714
- Sequences given by modulated Sturmian functions
- Shifts and signs
- Short sequences statistics
- Side Proof 1
- Side Proof 10
- Side Proof 2
- Side Proof 3
- Side Proof 4
- Side Proof 5
- Side Proof 6
- Side Proof 7
- Side Proof 8
- Side Proof 9
- Signed sums of prime reciprocals
- Slice
- Slices-equal
- Slices-equal measure
- Smooth number
- Sperner's theorem
- Sperner.tex
- Stability of eigenfunctions
- Stdout output
- Stirling's formula
- Sylvester's sequence
- Szemerédi's combinatorial proof of Roth's theorem
- Szemerédi's original proof of Szemerédi's theorem
- Szemerédi's regularity lemma
- Szemerédi's theorem
- T2(x) = -T(x)
- T2(x) = -T3(x)
- T2(x) = -x
- T2(x) = T5(x) = -x
- T32-invariant sequences
- T m(x) = (+/-)T n(x)
- TeX files for first paper
- The Erdos-Rado sunflower lemma
- The Erdős discrepancy problem
- The HAP-subsequence structure of that sequence
- The complexity class BPP
- The complexity class BQP
- The complexity class DTIME
- The complexity class NP
- The complexity class P
- The complexity class promise-BPP
- The cost of knowledge
- The first 1124-sequence
- The hot spots conjecture
- The polynomial Hirsch conjecture
- The prime factors of the places where the first two sequences of length 1124 differ
- Theproof.tex
- Thin triangles
- Thue-Morse-Hedlund Sequence
- Tidy problem page
- Timeline
- Timeline of prime gap bounds
- Topological dynamics formulation
- Triangle removal lemma
- Unsolved problems
- Update
- Updating partial sums with Fenwick tree
- Upper and lower bounds
- Upper and lower discrepancy
- Vectors for the dual SDP
- Verify the bounded discrepancy of an input sequence
- Verify the bounded discrepancy of sequence
- W-trick